Male Nude Photography

Philosophy and Artistic Process

Like putting on armor before a battle, men are often taught to hide behind a veneer of strength by concealing their strong feelings. By removing clothing, there are no places for men to hide, literally and figuratively. We  begin to understand that by showing others our struggles, we gain the strength needed to overcome them. My photography incorporates the nude body into the environment as a metaphor for different emotional places. You can view a video that documents my artistic process with male models here. May this work give us a sense that men are beautiful when they show us who they truly are. 


Below you will find examples of my work and available ebooks that use photography along with original poetry.

All Models over the age of 18.

What is it like to experience true freedom? My latest ebook answers that question through male environmental nude photography. Using multiple models, poetry will accompany the images to explore what it is like to inhabit a world without self imposed barriers. It is available on many platforms including the following link on Smashwords. If you are interested in my other publications, you can find them below. Thank you for supporting the artistic representations of men!

This ebook pairs sonnets with photography to chronicle the transformation from doubting our body’s worth to affirming it.  It is available on many platforms including the following link on Smashwords.

Indentured Male Hero is an ebook that asserts the greatest struggle is for what matters most. It uses male nudes and light painting photography to tell a science fiction story.  It is available from many platforms including  Smashwords

Male Nude: Hero Myth of the Masculine Journey.  This ebook tells an original myth through a series of haiku that accompany nude black and white photography.  It is available from many platforms including Smashwords.

Male Nude: Hero Myth of the Masculine Journey.  This ebook tells an original myth through a s

Journey: The Male Nude is an affordable print magazine of my photography available via MagCloud.